At our counselling clinic

We Help you achieve your version of success

Welcome to Carter's Counselling Services!

Carter’s Counselling was founded by Katharine Carter, who is a social worker by training. Katharine recognized that, naturally, many services and supports exist in large urban centers such as Saskatoon, however access to resources is more limited in smaller communities such as Martensville, Warman, and area. Katharine lives locally and has made it her mission to ensure that Martensville and surrounding areas also have access to counselling, mental health services and other resources. Carter’s Counselling was created out of this social work value: that everyone should have equal access to services, regardless of where they live.

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"Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things."

— Lao Tzu

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To a better life

Counselling Services

cognitive behavioral therapy

A psychotherapy that is hands-on, goal-oriented and short-term. The counsellor and client will work together to develop new coping skills to apply to the client’s life.

family & addiction

We see addictions as a family disease that affects each individual in the family and not just the individual with addictions.


Sometimes things don’t work out the way we had envisioned. This therapy looks at each individual’s actions and behaviours and how it affects the family as a whole.

Dialectical behavioral therapy

One of the main goals of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy is to teach the individual how to live in the present moment and to be mindful of his/her thoughts and feelings.

Talk therapy

We will listen to your thoughts and feelings and guide you to better understand those thoughts and feelings.

individual issues in relationships

This can be relationship issues within a marriage or family. We will assess your strengths, behaviours and boundaries, as well as look at the decision-making process and how to utilize that in your own life. 

Christian counselling

When utilizing Christian counselling techniques, we focus on bringing hope back into your life through prayer and scripture, in order to become closer to Jesus Christ.

mental health

We assess the individual first, and then determine what therapy is most suited to your needs and your situation.  

Strengths-based counselling

This therapy may be used for individuals with low self-esteem, depression or anxiety, or those who are in abusive relationships.